Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House


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Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House – Sometimes in the Fashion World we heard that “Less is More”. Well, sometimes it really is. And this rule can be apply to the interior design world. After all, even Leonardo Da Vinci said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication!

When the decorating time come, you have to think in which interior design style are more similar to your personality. Your house should be a reflex of what you are, your taste and personality. If you like to keep it simple, minimalist decoration is the right choice for you.

This type of interior decorating is typical from de North European countries. Besides some call this style cold, desolate and boring, it makes amazing sets. The most important is, like what happen evertytime you are decorating a home, is to choose the right furniture. I know that it’s called minimalist, but it don’t say that you can’t use luxury furniture from exclusive brands.

You can find a lot of luxury furniture stores with amazing quality furniture with a minimalist design. Don’t forget that you are buying for your house, where you live in and will spend a lot of time, so you have to bet on the best things you can find to create a cosy ambiance.

Well, take a look at the best minimalists ideas for each room of your house and start improving your style at home.


Living Room

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Living Room


In a minimalist living room set the space organization become one of the most important details. It’s important to get a lot of space but without making the room look empty and cold.

And it’s very simple to get a minimalist living room! You just have to get the most important furniture: a sofa! Then, you can combine it with some storage cabinet or a coffee table.

If you want to give a different touch, try a chandelier. The ideal is that the color match perfectly with – or even be the same – of the rest of living room. Some points with color can also make a incredible detail in a minimalist decoration.



Dining Room

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Living Room


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Dining Room

Dining table, dining chairs and lighting. It’s so easy to create a minimalist dining room interior design! Using glass furniture creates a great dining room. The glass makes the space look bigger. But don’t think that you have to choose simplistic furniture, you can use amazing design furniture, with a different look, and yet keep a minimalist dining room.

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Dining Room


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Dining Room





Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Kitchen


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Kitchen

To create a minimalist kitchen you just have to choose the essential furniture. It’s, one more time, the rule of keep it simple. You don’t have to fill the space with sophisticated things that you only will use once in your lifetime. The best solution is to make a list of which are the appliances that you really use and need and forget the rest.

It’s important that the kitchen has a lot of light, natural or not, to make you fell more comfortable at this space.

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Kitchen


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Kitchen



Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bathroom


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bathroom

A bathroom can be simplistic just with the furniture you choose. Straight lines and soft colors are the best way to do this. But wood details are a great way to get a more sophisticated ambiance.

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bathroom


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bathroom





Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bedroom


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bedroom

If you have a big bedroom it’s easy to create this type of decoration. A bed and bedside tables  are the essential. It’s great if you have a closet room (check some ideas here), because it help to get a more organized room. Then, bet on a focus piece. A painting, a table lamp or a rug can create a luxury touch.

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bedroom


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Bedroom



Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Hallway


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Hallway

In your hallway try to put just the essential. A console table or a storage space where you can leave your coats and essential things you need when you leave home can be usefull furniture to have in this room.

If you want to give a fashionable look to this room you can put some mirrors on the wall  or paintings. Wall sconces are also a great idea.

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Hallway


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Hallway




Home Office

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Home Office


Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Home Office

One more time, keep it simple. All you need is a desk, maybe a storage space, and a chair. This is the furniture you need for your home office and you get a minimalist style at home. Bet on straight lines furniture and colors like white, black or wood furniture.

If you need or want to give a different touch, try a table lamp with a stylish design or a floor lamp. It will create a great ambiance and also help you in have more light in the room.

Interior Design Ideas for a Minimalist House - Home Office


The Best Tips to Turn a House into a Home

As you can see, minimalist decoration can be very trendy and fashionable. The most important rule is to keep it simple and, if you want, bet in just a little more fancy detail in the room. And the best part is that everyone can decorate a house using this interior design style, in some cases you don’t need creativity, you just have to got a sense of style and space organization and you’ll get an awesome room without effort.

In the matter of colors it’s quite simple: neutral colors, but specially white, and wood furniture are always the protagonist in the minimalist decoration.


Looking for more luxury ideas? Take a look at other Room Decor Ideas:

The Best Tips to Turn a House Into a Home

2014 Decor Trends That Shall Get Through 2015

How to Get a Simple House Decoration



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